Work Overview
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Work Overview

Every year, Job Corps transforms the lives of thousands of young people between the ages of 16-24 who complete the U.S. Department of Labor's workforce training program. As the demand for a more highly skilled workforce continues to increase, Job Corps seeks to proactively improve the workforce training outcomes for its participants. As a result, the MyPACE project became an innovative opportunity that created a ground-breaking solution for the enhancement of career preparation programming at Job Corps Centers throughout the nation.
My Pathway to Achieving Career Excellence (MyPACE) is a comprehensive system that includes a blended-learning curriculum, a technological tool, and monitoring resources. CALCO worked with the American Institutes for Research, Jobs For the Future, and Coffey Consulting to co-develop and implement an intuitive, student-centered career planning and exploration system that educates and exposes youth to a variety of career pathways based upon their assessed skills and interests. Our work integrated tools and resources such as O*Net online and regional labor market data to inform students of available careers with family-sustainable wages.
CALCO's role on this project was to assist with the coordination and implementation of the new system; develop customized training content; and provide expert-level technical assistance and training to 120 Job Corps centers and 1500+ Job Corps regional staff, center staff, and corporate operators nationwide. Our work on the MyPACE project will positively impact over 50,000+ youth annually.

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Developing relationships and partnering with companies whose values align with ours expands our expertise and enhances our collective ability to become a value-added partner to our clients. We choose our partnerships carefully, knowing that every decision we make influences our ability to serve our clients.